6.30 PM to 7.30 PM. Bring a cushion (chairs are available or floor space if preferred). Wear comfortable cloths. 15 minutes settling in. 30 minute meditation. 10 minutes relaxation. 7.30 pm closure.
30 minute meditation: silent present-centred inner breath focus. Spaces are limited. Ensure you reserve your place: 01297 598080 / 07419 777451 / heather@aromantique.co.uk
The synergy of sharing
Sue Stone, author, tv presenter, wellbeing and personal transformation coach, delivered an inspiring and insightful presentation at 63a. Instilled with a mixture of personal experience, research, and observation borne from her professional practice, Sue laid out simple yet effective tools to hone and maintain our personal locus of control:
Each of us carries within the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or for worse. Once we get our ‘inner world’ joyful and peaceful, our ‘outer world’ reflects that back at us.
You will find Sue’s words of wisdom scribed in her fascinating books:
A Wonderful World For All: A practical guide
The Power Within You Now!: Rocket fuel for your body, and soul
Sue’s website: https://www.suestonefoundation.com